Axorus is a French company that develops a High Acuity Artificial Retina for patients suffering from AMD (Age-Related Macular Degeneration) and Retinitis Pigmentosa.
With our partners at Boston University, we developped a high resolution neurostimulator, using patented photoacoustic technology.
Beyond the retina, our goal is to build bridges between the nervous system and electronic devices or medical implants. We will use our technologies to develop a wide range of medical implants to treat the symptoms
of neurodegenerative diseases and enhance quality of life.
Our vision is to become an originator of a new neurotech industry that makes it possible for
people to buy spare parts to recover their lost capabilities.
Hélène, PhD
Electronics Engineer
Material Engineer
Material Engineer
Scientific Advisors
Dr. Vasily Smirnov
Pr. Ji-Xin Cheng
Photoacoustic Scientist
Pr. Chen Yang
Photoacoustic Scientist
Pr. Alain Cappy
Neuroelectronic Scientist
Pr. Virginie Hoel
Neuroelectronic Scientist
Bionic Retina
We are developing an Artificial Retina aiming to restore sight for people with
damaged retinas.
This medical implant is suitable for people who have damaged photoreceptors (cones and rods) but
otherwise functioning retina, as is the case for many patients suffering from Retinitis
Pigmentosa (RP) or advanced dry Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD).
The implant will be inserted subretinally, where photoreceptors are located in a healthy retina. The
artificial retina acts as a substitute for the damaged photoreceptors by converting
light into a signal the brain can interpret.
We are using genetic-free photoacoustic neuromodulation to stimulate single cells inside the retina in order to provide a high acuity for the patients.